Diversity Policy for Board and Senior Management

Diversity Policy for Board and Senior Management



Waste Connections, Inc. (“Waste Connections” or the “Company”) is of the view that Board of Director (the “Board”) nomination or appointment decisions and the Company’s hiring practices for senior management (“Senior Management”) positions ‎should be based on a number of factors, which include: leadership capabilities, mature judgment, ‎merit, talent, experience, expertise, and strategic/innovative thinking.

At the same time, the Company believes that diversity, including gender diversity, is an important additional consideration in determining the composition of its Board. Waste Connections believes that a truly diverse Board and Senior Management will include and utilize differences in skills, expertise, and industry experience. The Company recognizes that diversity can enhance the effectiveness of the Board and Senior Management by bringing diverse perspectives to the decision-making process and help foster an inclusive workplace. At Waste Connections, all aspects of diversity will be considered in determining the optimum composition of the Board, as well as the applicant pool from which Senior Management are selected.


The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee (the “Committee”) is responsible ‎for recommending qualified persons for Board nominations that possess the leadership ‎capabilities, mature judgment, merit, talent, experience, expertise, and strategic/innovative ‎thinking required of a director to fulfill Board responsibilities.‎

The Company recognizes that gender diversity is a significant aspect of diversity and ‎acknowledges the important role of women with relevant skills and experience in contributing to ‎the diversity of perspective on the Board and Senior Management‎. In selecting qualified candidates to serve as directors of the Company, a wide range of criteria are considered, with measures ensuring that the Board, as a whole, reflects a range of viewpoints, backgrounds, skills and experience. In the process of searching for qualified persons to serve on the Board and in Senior Management, the Committee strives for the inclusion of different groups, knowledge, and viewpoints. To accomplish this, the Committee may retain an executive search firm.

In connection with its efforts to create and maintain a diverse Board and Senior Management applicant pool‎, the Committee, Senior Management and the Board, where appropriate:

  • develops recruitment protocols that seek to ensure a wide ‎talent pool for identifying qualified ‎candidates.‎ These protocols take into account that qualified candidates may be found in a broad array of organizations, including academic institutions, privately held businesses, non-profit organizations, and trade associations, in addition to the traditional candidate pool of corporate directors and officers;
  • periodically reviews recruitment protocols to ensure that promoting a diverse candidate pool ‎from which qualified candidates are selected remains a component of any director or Senior ‎Management search and considers whether existing protocols promote diversity;‎
  • considers the level of representation of women on the Board, and directs search firms engaged to identify candidates to be considered for serving on the Board or as applicants for Senior Management positions to include diverse candidates‎; and
  • periodically reviews the Company’s existing protocols for internal promotion and leadership ‎development and considers whether such protocols promote equal opportunities for advancement for all potential candidates.

The Company established the following aspirational targets for Board composition, which the Company has since achieved:

  • minimum representation of 30% of independent Board members by women by 2020, which was achieved in August 2019; and
  • minimum representation of 30% of total Board members by women by December 31, 2023, which was achieved in November 2022.


The Committee will (i) monitor the implementation of this policy on a periodic basis, and at least annually, to assess its effectiveness, (ii) monitor and review the Company’s progress in achieving its aspirational targets and report the results to the Board and (iii) make recommendations to the Board regarding any revisions to this policy that may be necessary or appropriate.


With respect to this policy, the Company will disclose in its Management Information Circular and Proxy Statement, among other things:

  • a summary of this policy’s objectives and key provisions;
  • the measures taken to ensure that this policy has been effectively implemented, including how the Board or the Committee considers the level of representation of women on the Board and in Senior Management positions in identifying and nominating candidates for election or reelection to the Board or appointment to Senior Management, as required under applicable Canadian securities laws;
  • how the Board or the Committee measures the effectiveness of this policy; and
  • the Company’s aspirational targets regarding women on the Board, as well as annual and cumulative progress in achieving these targets.

Updated: April 23, 2024